The Go-Gos
God Bless the Go-Gos
I would like to make an apology to all of my blog readers. From the whack jobs who still can’t believe Nibiru never showed up, to the dark energy cosmologists, who find new ways to say that you don’t know what the hell is going on... let alone what went on.
I would like to apologize and say, I’m sorry. I make no apologies.
Specifically, this pseudo-skeptical blog has tried to address some findings in the world of science and politics with an eye toward Biblical prophecy. Unlike the 666,666 other blogs out there that say “The Bible said this, and here’s where it’s happening on earth”, I tried to look at it from the other direction. I look around and I see things in plain sight, and I explore how they may or may not have been described in Bible prophecy, especially, of course, The Book of the Revelation.I tried, and I feel I succeeded, to present this not as the “stretch of the week” like many religious prophecy peddlers have done over, lo, these last 50 years. For example, when they said that the “10 nations of the EU are in Revelation”, but then the EU grew to 16 and then more... rather than admitting they were wrong, they morphed the interpretation. I couldn’t look myself in the mirror if I did that. If they had lived in the Old Testament days, they’d have been stoned.
Instead, I kept it terse. I presented just the facts. I took a snapshot of the world, and I pointed to where I thought it matched Revelation. I kept the verbiage to a minimum, I tried not to preach. I showed the two pictures and asked... are these portraying the same things?
For example, one of my first blog posts showed an image of the 7 visible planets, named after Roman Gods & Goddesses all hovering around the head of the constellation Cetus the Sea Beast and Aries the Ram. I compared this image point by point with Revelation 13’s description of the beast rising out of the sea with 7 heads with names of blasphemy... and another beast with two horns like a lamb.
Here’s the URL:
It pointed to a single day. Some interesting things happened on or around that day. It was either a Bible prophecy before our eyes, or the Grand Planetary Coincidence. If that was a coincidence, then I quit.
I showed another that presented Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter (followed by Hell/Pluto) as portraying Revelation 6’s 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Each of them in a Zodiac sign matching what each Horseman carried. Bow = Sagittarius, Scales = Libra, etc. etc. etc.
Here’s that post if you haven’t seen it:
It pointed to a single day. Some interesting things happened on or around that day. It was either a Bible prophecy before our eyes, or the Grand Planetary Coincidence II. If that was a coincidence, then I quit, again.
If they were BOTH coincidences, than I Double Secret Probation quit!
And I’m sorry that so many of my posts feature the book of the Revelation.
There’s a reason for that. One can say, “there is no such thing as prophecy.” But then I would have asked you to explain to me how a 1st Century fisherman could describe a global database, including the “Primary Key”, the aggregate COUNT, BOOLEAN operators when the man didn’t even know what a ZERO was?
I would ask you to explain why, I could literally ‘count the number of a man’s name’ with a simple SQL statement:
SELECT TOP 666 DISTINCT NAME from tblBibleNames where SEX=’M’ ORDER BY id ASC
And explain why, when I listed the unique names of the men in the Bible, the 666th name ended up being... well, indeterminate. The result VARIED!!! It was either Adino, Yosheb Bashebeth or IshBaal, depending on which version of the Bible you looked up the verse 2 Samuel 23:8. If that is merely a coincidence that the single greatest discrepancy in Bible translation should just HAPPEN to be man’s name #666... then I quit.
“I was quit when I came in, I’m thrice as quit now.”
Apologies to Bladerunner.
And finally, I’m sorry that I have been so quiet in trying to figure out who this Beast, this Antichrist, this Mr. 666 is. I used to. I used to comb the news and the Bible, looking for who that bad mopho might be. I would embarrass myself if I released my data on that query. I’m sorry, I was an idiot. At best, naïve. Thank God that blogs weren’t the rage yet. I’d be in hiding.
But then, one day, something happened. I saw Gulf War I in Daniel, Chapter 8 (previous blog), and I realized that it wouldn’t be long until this legendary dictator would be revealed, and I asked myself... “What if I’m right? What am I going to do about it?”
I realized that standing up and saying “So and So is the Antichrist” would be not only stupid, dangerous, and just plain whacko... but treason. So, I sat and watched... and it went away.
So, to recap, I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry.
That being said, I have a prediction that I want to make. GASP!
My prediction is not who the Antichrist is. I can tell you flat out who that is. Yes, that’s what I said. The Antichrist is the person, persons, or group of nations who present Israel with what they want... and then turn their back on them. Betray them, if you will. It’s that simple. It doesn’t matter what this person’s name adds up to in some ancient gematria that you don’t understand anyway. That’s not the mark of the beast, it’s not the 666. Sorry, you’ve been chasing your tail on that one.
Again, when someone whom Israel believes is their supporter turns on them, THAT is the Antichrist, and all of Revelation will break loose. I have to be honest here. I was deathly afraid that it would be The Dub. If he had applied the same “War on Terror” criteria to Israel as he did to Iraq, we would have troops in Bethlehem searching for WMDs, only this time, they’d find them. If the UN had applied the same criteria to Israel as they did Iraq, UN Peacekeepers would be setting up roadblocks around Jerusalem. And if that had happened, we’d be in the midst of the Seven Trumpets right now.
Here is my prediction.
As best as I can from here, I have been watching Sabah and this international man of mystery, Hamad. With the Saudi King recently gone, and with all that has happened in Israel, especially with the Ark (see my previous rant here), the time is ripe. Here is my prediction:
The grass roots are crying out, and the tree stands ready.
“Sabah, with the help of Hamad, will assert his might and take the reign and the reins in the former Saudi Arabia, forming a new government and an alliance with Israel. Soon, and very soon.”
There, I’ve said it. I am not saying that he will do what I said above, and turn on Israel. If not, then hamdallah! Peace and Security! If he does, Bingo! 666!
I’m sorry. I make no apologies.
The preceding was a fictitious blogpost, an excerpt from the upcoming novel, Judas Christ by Christopher P. Simmons.
Any similarity to real persons living or dead is purely a coincidence.
Any similarity to real persons living or dead is purely a coincidence.
And now we wait for further information?