Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse... LITERALLY!

The following is a repost of the page I created on 5/4/2000, regarding a then-future astronomicalogical configuration. I then add some information spotted just before the date determined. As with the previous post from that page, I have not revised the graphics or the writing style, which is from a different era in my life. Very different.

Original Post:

A few weeks ago, my sister, Laurie, sent me a link to an astrological chart site on the web that turns dates into charts. I didn't buy any of it, but i found the charts interesting, as a web developer. It also made me wonder how the ancients (especially 1st Century Christians) saw the heavens. It occurred to me as I read Revelation Chapter 6, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse may be 'someone' trying to give us a hint at a date. Here's why:
Horse Carrying? Bringing? Astro Analogy Interpretation?
White bow conquering white=venus, bow=sagittarius venus in sagittarius
Red sword war mars (roman god of war), the "sword" of the heavens is on Orion's belt. (Yes, orion again) mars in orion, maybe even in line with the 'sword' Nair al Saif is "tip of the Sword"
Black balances famine (no harvest) black=darkside of the moon, seriously. Balances=Libra Moon in Libra,  either very new or very old
"pale... bleached" 
(chloris, as in Clorox)
death/Hell  death/hell pale is probably jupiter, being white, but not as white as venus, and who is death and hell? Literally Hades=Pluto (I know they didn't know about Pluto back then, but God probably did.) near conjunction of jupiter & Pluto, probably just after a conjunction with jupiter ahead of Pluto. If I could get Chiron, Pluto's Ferryman in the picture, I'd earn extra credit.
Anyway... this is a date, I just haven't found it yet. I FOUND IT! This is complex, but bear with me! I will improve it. The point is, I have met the above criteria, and it's sooner than you think... New Year's Eve/Morning, 2007-2008! Party!
Thanks to for this chart.
All of the above criteria are met, to the letter, even with a literal translation of Hades to Pluto!
And Mars is in line with the sword of Orion!
But does the Bible use Zodiac for signs? Well...
 And God said , Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide  the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
Genesis 1:14

Fast Forward to November, 2007, as the day approaches

As the end of 2007 approached, and the astrological configuration above approached, I kept my eyes open. For a plague, a new war, a new wave of famine, for massive death. Nothing seemed to be on the radar. I re-checked my data and of course, it hadn't changed. Astrological data really can't. It can be calculated to a very precise degree for eons into the past and future. How could it change? And yet, something as significant as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in literal fulfillment didn't seem to matter to the circumstances of the world.

Note: The date 1/1/2008 was astrologically correct, but that it could also occur on 1/31/2008, as the Moon came around to Libra again. Perhaps, I was looking from the wrong angle. John the Revelator didn't calculate astrology... he saw visions. Maybe this configuration was visual. So, I fired up my celestial simulators and just LOOKED. This is what I saw. (I've reconstituted some of the images in modern software, such as Celestia and Stellarium.)

The First Horseman: White Horse with a Bow

I watched as Venus moved to a visual conjunction with Jupiter. It was a CLOSE one, very close to sunrise, hard to see, but it was there:

"I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. -- Revelation 6:1 NIV '84"
Here we had Venus, the White Horse in the midst of the constellation that "held a bow." I found it a phenomenal coincidence that Venus and Jupiter formed up on the head of Sagittarius, as if a crown! But if that doesn't fit literally enough for you, look below the bow. Corona Australis, "The Crown of the South" is right there, a literal crown. This IS the First Horseman of Revelation.

The Second Horsemen: Red Horse with a Sword

Ok, if we have the First Horseman, where is the Second Horseman? The Red one with the Sword?

"Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword." -- Revelation 6:2 NIV '84"
Mars is obviously the "red" planet and zodiacally in Gemini, but Gemini doesn't have a sword. Which Zodiacal symbol has a sword? There's only one sword in the sky... Let's look.

 Mars is aligned with the Sword of Orion. Is that a stretch? Take a look at how precise the alignment is, and you decide...

That's pretty precise! That gives us two horsemen. Let's see if we can see the third.

The Third Horsemen: Black Horse with a Balances

"I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand... “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages..." -- Revelation 6:3 NIV '84
This seems tricky at first. What planet is black? Pink Floyd knows. The Dark Side of the Moon. It's the darkness of the crescent moon. Later in my studies I learned of the phrase "Dark of the Moon", referring to the Old Crone, the Old Moon. And if the black is the Old Moon, then the Balances are clearly Libra, the Scales. And there it is...

The Fourth Horsemen: Pale Horse with Death & Hell following

"I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him." -- Revelation 6:7 NIV '84

Venus is the White Horse, the brightest light in the sky besides the Sun and Moon. What's the next brightest? Jupiter... is Jupiter the 'pale planet'? I decided to test the validity of referring to Jupiter as "the Pale Rider". The Greek word there for pale is 'chloris', related to chlorophyll or sickly green. I checked the Webster's Dictionary (hardcopy) for the definition of "chloris". I was defined as "between green and yellow". I did the following steps in Adobe Photoshop 5.0.
I took the image of Jupiter from the Net (from Hubble Space Telescope)

Being a 256 color GIF, I set the Mode to 16Million color RGB

I Did a Gaussian Blur of 12 pixels
I Sampled the center of the blurred image with the "eyedropper tool"
The resulting color is shown on the color wheel as being 63°, which is literally between Yellow (60°) and green (120°) Precisely as the word chloris or "sickly green" AND the Book of the Revelation said it would be!

...with Death & Hell following

Ok, Jupiter is on the head of Sagittarius, and the verse from Revelation doesn't mention the Rider or the Bow. How do we know this matches the verse? Because the verse says that "Death, and Hades was following". In Roman Mythology, Pluto was the God of the Underworld, the place of the Dead. In Greek Mythology, that god was named Hades. Hades = Pluto, and the planet Pluto is "right behind Jupiter", following, having been passed by Jupiter just 40 days previous.

Let's Review:

Here are the verse which describe each "Horseman":
I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!”
  1. I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.
  2. Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.
  3. I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand.
  4. I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Here are the graphics I made in 11/2007. Let them tell the tale: 

Could this REALLY be a coincidence? I don't think so.

Are you CRAZY!? You're saying the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse have occurred?

 I'm not sure. The 4 Horsemen also bring plagues: Pestilence, War, Famine, global death. The Book of Ezekiel corroborates these ("How much worse will it be when I send against Jerusalem my four dreadful judgments —sword and famine and wild beasts and plague" -- Ezek 14:21) and Jesus warns of them in Matthew 24.

They didn't happen in 2008, not in the scale required to fulfill the prophecy. But, given the astronomicalogical configuration of the Beast From the Sea with 7 Heads caused me to wonder. I think that this configuration is similar; not a literal fulfillment, but a literal warning. It's telling us to keep our eyes open. 

I've never heard this before. Why after these centuries are YOU the only one to see this?

A mundane answer is "who else would have seen this?" Astrologers? Astronomers? Bible Prophecy scholars? Consider:
  • Astrologers don't pay attention to Bible Prophecies
  • Astronomers don't regard Astrological Symbols or Bible Prophecies
  • Bible Prophecy scholars view astrology as forbidden [sic], and view Astronomers as "secularists" (at best).
Perhaps I am the first person with enough awareness of all of the above to piece the puzzle together. I don't claim to know. The only "spiritual" answer I can give is that I once asked God for "the Truth". Maybe, this is part of that.

Ok, let's say, for the sake of argument, that this IS what you say it is. So what?

Again, I don't know. The event occurred over 4 years ago. I'd have to look into the history for a hint. Let's do that... What happened on or about the end of January 2008?

  • U.S. President George W. Bush says Israel must return to its pre-1967 borders to enable the establishment of a Palestinian state.  [War]
  • Snow falls in Baghdad, Iraq for the first time in a century. (Why does that sound familiar?)
  • Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert warns that "all options are being taken into consideration" to stop Iran from going nuclear. [War]
  • Stock markets around the world plunge amid growing fears of a U.S. recession, fueled by the 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis.  [Famine]
  • George W. Bush delivers his final State of the Union Address as President of the United States. [One decreases that the other may increase.]
  • United States presidential election, 2008: Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama hold the first two-person debate. Barack Obama rises to lead the Democratic polls, as Hillary Clinton slides. [One decreases that the other may increase.]
  • A new disease, progressive inflammatory neuropathy (PIN), is found in pig slaughterhouse workers in southeastern Minnesota. As of now, this is not a threat, but I find the phrase "A new disease" intriguing. [Pestilence]
  • Source:
  • Nothing much about Putin... Odd.

Just the facts

Those are the facts. You can check them. You can verify them. You can show me when this has happened before, or will again. Does this configuration match the Book of Revelation, Chapter 6, the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

You decide...



  1. "Gemini doesn't have a sword" but they do have a sharp tongue that cuts both ways!

  2. I was reading some of the Apocalypse text and had an idea that those horses may be planets or satellites.
    I found this blog by searching for similar ideas. Unfortunately i don't know anything about astrology.

    The way i interpret the seals is that the events would follow one another, not happen at the same time. So i was trying to find a time frame when Venus was in Sagittarius and there was some sort of a conquest.

    When Mars was in a constellation that contains a sword (Orion i guess) and there were major wars.

    Is there another planet that looks dark/black? The dark side of the moon doesn't seem convincing to me. Initially i thought it would be Pluto. Have there been economic strife or famine times when Pluto was in Libra?

    I equated Saturn with the pale horse, not Jupiter. Saturn has been connected to evil, death, etc.
    Could there be another period after the fore mentioned periods when Saturn enters a certain constellation, then Pluto follows? Or something like that.

  3. Second post:

    I searched for Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius and Pluto in Aquarius.

    Saturn is in Capricorn around 2017-2020, in Aquarius 2020-2023. Pluto is in Aquarius 2024-2044.

    Please correct my numbers if wrong. Could it be that the pale horse is Saturn in Capricorn or Aquarius? So maybe somewhere around 2017-2024?
