The following is a reconstitution of a web page post made on 5/4/2000 at 04:21 EDT. At the time, I created a page on my website, which, over time, has eroded. I divided the original HTML into several separate chunks, to be posted on this blog, and have re-created the images in more modern softwares and in higher resolution.
I make no apologies for the style of writing, as it was rushed, and I was a younger, more brash, less educated person in those days.
What you are about to read will shake the foundation of much of what you believe, whether you are a Bible-thumping Fundamentalist, an astrological planet spinner, a believer in a universe made of spiritual energy, a cynical skeptic, a Carl-Saganite, or a statistics/probability whiz. Why?
Because what you are about read points to one or several of the following:
- Complete rethinking of what the Book of Revelations is telling us, and how
- The prospect that Astrology is a function of a god who is interested in us earthlings
- The threshold of probability is so high that it can't be a coincidence, even though it MUST be
- The universe is managing a project on a schedule which is kept on a calendar that mankind cannot alter, merely observe
- Cookie-cutter interpretations of Bible prophecy are subject to a very different view, one that places a higher level of literal interpretation than ANYONE thought possible, even the Literalists.
- The above also goes for Astrology.
Ready? Here we go...
UPDATE -- 5/18/2012: I FOUND the original images and have restored the original page. Just in case you think this stuff is FICTION!
From: Starglider29a
To: Close friends who know how twisted I am...
Date: May 4th, 2000 AD 04:21 EDT
Copyright © 2000 by Christopher P. Simmons,
All Rights Reserved
Greetings, Programs!
You all have known me for quite a while now, and you have known that
I have played on the edge, even in my Christianity. I saw something on
my computer tonight that made even me stop and wonder about my own sanity...
I will state what I saw, and then you all can draw straws to come and have
me put into a nice white jacket. I'm doing this quickly, so forget about
I know I this is going to sound like all of those web pages that tell how Hale-Bopp is
the herald of the Coming of somebody, and the the Face on Mars is really
an image of the shroud of turin. (I can cite these, but I won't) And I
KNOW that "no man knows the day or the hour..." and I'm not going to get
to that here, but watch what DOES turn up!
I was scanning the news and I saw the image of the sun from SOHO/LASCO.
(Note: The original image is gone missing, but here's one from the day before, you get the idea.)
Here's another picture from a few days later.
I knew immediately what I saw, but I also know that people have been
seeing these artifacts (the CCD burn-in from bright light sources such as the planets) as "motherships". they are simply the planets closely
aligned with the Sun burning out the camera pixels. I could prove that
with Starry Night, so I did. I popped open Starry Night and grabbed this
(2012 images taken from Celestia):
(Menkar is a star which means, in Arabic, "the nose" More on that later)
I knew that astrologically, this was all in Taurus, but I clicked to
see what constellation Menkar was in. I turned on the Constellation Art feature and saw this:
I chuckled. "Ha... it looks like he's wearing a hat!" Hey, wait a minute!
I counted, zoomed back in and counted again. Sitting on top of Cetus' head
- Mars
- Saturn
- Jupiter
- Sun
- Mercury
- Venus
- Moon
SEVEN! Seven astrological planets... ALL OF THEM! These were ALL of the
planets they knew back then, not seeing Uranus, Neptune, Pluto or Nemesis
(oops, sorry) And where were these titans? On the head of Cetus, the FREAKIN Sea
Monster! Ready? You are not, I guarantee it!
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise
up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns
ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy... And I saw one of
his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed:
and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation (duh) 13:1-3
Suddenly, I saw something interesting.. a DATE! TODAY! 5/4/2000 AD. I switched
the location to Greece(Patmos) Now, I know that with the sun shining John
couldn't "see" this, but you know how visions go...
- The Sea Monster (Beast from the Sea)
- Rising (in the east over the sea from John's viewpoint)
- having 7 heads (think of them as busts in the Pantheon)
- 10 horns and 10 crowns (diadems, laurel rings like BenHur got)
- Io
- Europa
- Callisto
- Ganymede
- Tethys
- Dione
- Rhea
- Titan
- Hyperion
- Iapetus
But even as I was typing this page, I saw something even more amazing...
I finally understood this verse:
and upon his heads the name of blasphemy
DOH! Look at the names of the planets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mercury -- Messenger of the Gods (angellos Kyrioi -- Angel of the Lords)
- Venus -- GODess of Love
- Sun -- Helios. Apollo Sun God!
- Moon -- Diana GODdess of Hunting and fertility and insanity, etc
- Mars -- GOD of War
- Saturn -- GOD of the Harvest (and which harvest is that?)
- And last but not least... Jupiter -- GOD of the GODS!
How would John have taken to seeing the planets with names of Pagan
Gods... as BLASPHEMY! (Yes, I am yelling)
The 7 heads with the Names of Blasphemy are the Planets on the head
of the "sea beast" Cetus, named after Pagan Gods!
Now wait a minute... did one of the "heads receive a blow to the head?
And was miraculously healed so that all the world wondered?" You betcha...
July 16, 1994... Shoemaker-Levy 9!
At left, we have clear imagery of the "wounds" of Jupiter.
This image at right was taken only 14 months later... HEALED!
The after-effects of the impacts were visible on Jupiter for nearly a year after the event." (I'd say ONLY a year!!!)
This series of images below were taken only 10/31/2000 & 11/9/2000... the wounds are gone! HEALED!
But Wait! There's More!
If this is the "beast from the sea" where is the "Beast from the land"?
"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth;
and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."
--Revelation 13:11
Two horns like a lamb? That sounds like Aries, the Ram. But where is Aries
these days... you are NOT going to believe this!
RIGHT THERE! Both the Beast
from the sea AND the Beast from the land with two horns with ALL 7 planets
right between them? I couldn't have cooked up a better batch of fiction
if I tried.. and believe me, I've tried! As much as I want this verse to
be as literal as possible, and as little as I care or hold to astrology,
still it was the calendar system back then. I think John was telling us
something between the lines. Perhaps we'd better listen...
All righty, then...
OK, so what do we make of this, besides a good case to have me put away
for good!?
I believe that the Bible is very literal in such things as Hell, Salvation,
Deity of Jesus, Blood, Resurrection... all that stuff. I also believe that
the visions are just that... visions. I do NOT expect to see a literal
beast walk onto the beach. No one does. Not even Jack Van Impe! But I do
believe that someone will rule the world... the AntiChrist. I suspect that
the time is near. And I suspect strongly that this beast in revelation
is an Icon. An avatar to represent this world leader in the vision. But
IS IT POSSIBLE that John was giving us a big hint at when, by giving an astrological configuration that "he who has wisdom could compute?"
What do we do now? Keep your eyes open... expect something big or significant...
a new person, the death of an old person...
I honestly don't know. I don't
claim a vision here... I just read and I look at the computer monitor.
And I tell you what I see.
Keep your eyes open...
PS: I can't resist... I never can. Remember Menkar... the Nose of the
Beast. It is the brightest star in Cetus... Ceti Alpha...
As in Ceti Alpha 6, where Khan was marooned in Star Trek ][. Remember
Khan, the late 20th century genetically engineered madman who tried to
rule the Earth? Now who does THAT sound like? I will give you 666 guesses!
Expect the unbelievable!
EMail me!
May 4th, 2000 WAY late! (reconstituted 5/13/2012)
Is this the only time that a Bible prophecy may have been indicated by an astronomical configuration? Stay tuned...
Epilogue: May 7th, 2000
Less than two days later, this happened Fulfillment of prophecy? Or coincidence? You decide...
Eight years later, he stepped aside for his Benchwarmer, Medvedev. And now, 12 years after this astonomicalogical configuration, he's back. He
WAS President, then he
WAS NOT, and now he
Where have I heard that before?
"The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come."
How this looks to an Astrologer
I used to generate the Ascendant Chart for this configuration. To an astrologer, this would be a VERY interesting chart. The interpretation is for them to decide. I would suggest that they ignore all but the 7 planets, as they were not visible in the days of John the Revelator. With only the visible planets, there are ONLY conjunctions, no trines, quartiles, and all the planets except Mars in the the Earth Sign. That's a nail-biter.